Thursday 21 January 2016

New Coach Mentorship

I am looking to E X P A N D my team; to build a Sisterhood of women who want more out of life; who are ready to commit & go ALL IN to get in the best shape of their lives and help others along their way.

I became a Coach 3 months ago because I felt like something was missing. I wanted something I was passionate about, something to call my own, something to get excited about!

I was at a point in my life where I felt...
▶unhealthy, physically & mentally
▶a loss of identity, passion & purpose
▶isolated & a longing for a sense of belonging; a community that accepted me for who I am- flaws, quirks & all.

I searched & searched for a solution until I stumbled upon Coaching. I went back & forth for a couple weeks (I am very thorough before I commit to ANYTHING), but something kept telling me to GO FOR IT. It just felt right. So I went ALL IN. I joined my first ever 21 Day Fitness Challenge & completed my 21 Day Coach Training at the same time. I fell in love instantly. I finally found something that felt like it was made for me.

I now have passion, purpose, positivity & goals! I belong to a community of AMAZING people; the Dynasty United FAMILY! ♡

Not only do I get to be inspired by incredible women transforming their lives and their health DAILY, but it also keeps me accountable for my own fitness.

ANYONE can be a Coach as long as you have...
✔A passion for helping others
✔A love for health & fitness 

✔self-motivation & a drive to succeed

I am looking for REAL women who want to get in shape, live healthy, FULL lives and share their story along the way in hopes of inspiring others. It's that simple.

Fill out the form or connect with me Via Facebook to apply.

Fill out my online form.
Online contact and registration forms from Wufoo.

Workout because you love your body, not because you hate it!

Lower Body Fix Extreme ✔I used to hate leg day (not the love/hate I have now, just hate/hate) because it seemed like...
Posted by Amanda Cook on Thursday, January 21, 2016

Wednesday 13 January 2016

The Importance of Personal Development

I remember when I didn't believe in Personal Development because I didn't believe in myself.  I thought "What is the point of reading ways to improve myself when I'll never have a reason to put it to use." Those thoughts couldn't be more self-condemning. 

A year ago I went through a "rough patch" and I was looking for something, anything, to pull me out of my rut. I began reading. I hadn't read since I was in school. The book was Become A Better You by Joel Olsteen.  This book was the starting point to my journey to a positive more fulfilling outlook. I felt hopeful again and continued reading for a few months, gaining a newer and brighter prospective for my future.

I eventually became busy with life and although I didn't forget what I had learnt, I didn't go back to where I was prior, but I didn't keep progressing. I stopped reading for while. My personal development was put on pause.

 Months later  when became a Beachbody Coach my Mentor instilled in me the importance of Personal Development. She taught me how important it is to keep learning, to keep growing and developing ourselves so we can be the best versions of ourselves; and she of course set an amazing example. 

I began reading again; everyday, sometimes, twice a day. My routine is to wake up, have my coffee and read my daily devotional and I am currently working through The Passion Translation,  Proverbs; Wisdom From Above.  The Bible is a great source of Personal Development. At night time I usually read another choice of PD Book.

Daily personal development has given me a sense direction. I know what I want to achieve in life, whereas before I didn't have a clue (and had no drive to even figure it out!).   I am so thankful for this nudge from God for me to continue on this path. It has become a part of my daily routine, and a part of my day I really enjoy. I feel motivated, focused and most importantly more self-aware. I feel as if I am greater prepared for when times do get tough or a challenge arises. Everyday I am developing new skills and attributes that help me deal with stress and overcome obstacles. 

 (My daughter says she loves to read "...just like mom.")
There are various avenues to go about it, my favorite is obviously to read. Read a book, watch a video, take a class. You choose. Take time and invest in yourself. You are your greatest resource. 

Monday 11 January 2016

Week 1 Review of 21 Day Fix Extreme

 Week 1 of 21 Day Fix Extreme complete & feeling amazing!  I am more energized than ever and am seeing results already.  Above are my photos from day one. My goal for this Challenge is to maintain my weight, but gain strength and muscle definition. I prefer to only weigh myself and take photos on Day 1 and on Day 21.

Before I started the Challenge I went and purchased some workout clothes as my motivation.  I knew this Challenge was going to be my toughest one yet.  I knew I would be pushing myself out of my comfort zone to get the results I want, so I needed all the motivation I can get (outside of the Challenge Group that is)  New clothes always help!  Plus these were all on sale 50-70% off, so it was a win-win! (#frugalmom)

 I always shied away from meal plans before because I absolutely detest feeling deprived and hungry.  I thought I would give it a try because I wanted to maintain my weight, not lose and wanted to make sure I was eating enough.  To be completely honest there are some days I struggle to fit everything in that I am supposed to eat because it feels like so much food! (which I don't mind!)  I love the color coded meal planning containers! I love the flexibility and the simple meal planning. Below are just some of the things I ate over the last week that I remembered to snap pictures of! I also  liked that I was able to eat what every one else did most days (did not have to cook separate meals) All I needed to do was portion out to see how many containers I was eating to track each food group. 

Cucumbers with Avocado & salsa (guacamole the easy way) with a dash of grey sea salt, prepper and apple cider vinegar.

Broccoli slaw in place of pasta, grilled chicken breast, organic diced tomatoes (this should have been green not purple as I confused it with salsa=purple) skim mozzarella cheese and italian herbs and minced garlic

Veggie/Egg Scramble (I love veggies so there is more veggies than eggs here!) made with a little mexican hot sauce for some added flavor!

This is my new way to have my Shakeology because I LOVE these! Sometimes I even have them twice a day! click HERE for the recipe. 

I use my trusty Shakeology Shaker Cup to measure my water for the day.  According to my body weight I need to drink one of these a day (25 oz) Plus I drink about 4-6 cups of organic herbal tea to get the rest of my water intake (tea addict here!)

For my first two Challenges I used Piyo because I love yoga and pilates. For this Challenge however I wanted to step it up a notch to really get some great muscle definition, in a shorter amount of time.  Although the first week I definitely struggled with the workouts (sometimes I have to resort to the modifier before the set is done) I can see the results already and I feel so great once the workout is done. I have been sore everyday, so I not only can I see the results I can feel them too! I am sore, but not too sore, if that makes sense?  I really enjoy the workouts because I feel like the 30 mins is used to the absolute max, working as much as possible.  Something about them just makes you feel empowered! 

Week 1's a wrap! I am totally into this 21 Day Fix Extreme and although I was a little nervous at first I am completely happy I took the plunge and pushed myself out of my comfort zone. "If it doesn't challenge you, it doesn't change you!" 
Bring it on Week 2!
Goals for this week: To finish out all the sets without switching over to the modifier!

Of course all of this is made so much easier (and enjoyable!) because of the support of all the wonderful women, coaches & challengers that I get to share this journey with everyday!
Interested in joining us in the next 21 Day Challenge Group? Reach out to me via Facebook HERE or fill out the form below!

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Sunday 10 January 2016

Dreaming of summer?

One week left to join the next 21 Day Challenge Group that starts February 1st!

Looking to lose that last ten pounds?
Want to get back to your pre-baby weight?
Are you ready to go ALL IN and get your best results yet?

Programs & meal plans for all fitness levels and goals!
Only 5 spots available. RSVP by filling out the form below.
Connect with me via Facebook.

Fill out my online form.
Online contact and registration forms from Wufoo.

Saturday 9 January 2016

Shakeology Brownies

I have found my new favorite way to have my Shakeology!
Not only were these absolutely delicious & tasted like a gooey, chocolatey, sinful treat, they were extremely quick & easy to make!
One serving is what you see above (plus one more about half the size of the rest that I test-tasted)
21 Day Fix Approved- 1 Tsp + 1 Red
I used 1 scoop of Chocolate Vegan Shakeology, 1 tsp melted coconut oil & a little bit of almond milk and a little bit of water to mix until able to mold (you can use just water if you prefer) 
I also used a dash of pure peppermint extract because I love mint chocolate. You can replace with a flavored extract of your choice.

Friday 8 January 2016


A little #flashbackfriday to when my baby girl was just ....a baby girl! 

7 Years ago right around the time this picture was taken I remember every night when I got up to feed Jaelee in the middle of the night I would sit and watch the "Turbo Jam" infomercial. After about a week I ended up ordering it from the TV. I remember every day I did my workouts and she sat in her little bouncy chair and would laugh & wiggle while I did the moves (I probably would have laughed too). She was such a good baby.

In a matter of weeks I lost all my baby weight and was back to my pre-pregnancy weight, but in better shape! Back then I don't think they offered Challenge Groups with the programs and I don't even think Shakeology existed but I still got great results. My whole world had just changed and so did my lifestyle, but I found what worked for me and went with it.

Every once and a while I log into BeachBody on Demand to take it back to my roots and rock out to Turbo Jam. It's pretty funny to still be able to remember the moves and it totally takes me down memory lane to when Jae was a baby.

It's so funny to think here I am over 7 yrs later going back to what worked for me then. Ultimately it's about finding what works for you and sticking to it. Even though I am 7 yrs older I am in even better shape than I was then because of the new & improved system with the added benefit of Shakeology & the support group.

Want to join me in my next group? The next group starts February 1st. Fill out the form below to reserve your spot. Only 5 spots available.

Fill out my online form.
Online contact and registration forms from Wufoo.


Growth is an beautiful thing. Sometimes we need to crack a little before our best selves can break through. Everyone's process is a little different and not everyone will understand (or support) your journey. Make peace with it. Don't let someone else's opinion hinder your growth. Growth is not selfish; it is necessary. 
If it doesn't challenge you, it doesn't change you. Break out of your shell, get out of your comfort zone. Learn, change, grow, evolve.

Thursday 7 January 2016

Join me in the next 21 Day Fitness Challenge!

Overnight results aren't realistic or healthy.  It takes consistent effort to live a healthy lifestyle and get your body to where you want it to be.  You might be thinking..."Oh I still have a few months left of winter, there's no rush to get started." Truth is- summer bodies are built during the winter.  Using a fast fix diet will only get you temporary results. Start now towards living a healthy lifestyle and get  results that are sustainable BEFORE summer arrives and have them last once it's over too!

What you get:

*A workout program of your choice- Suited to your fitness level (approx 30 mins a day)
*30 Day Supply of Shakeology (flavor of your choice- Vegan options available)
*1:1 Coaching & access to the private online group.
*Proven Results & Money Back Guarantee
*30 Day Free Trial Membership to and Beachbody on Demand (stream your workouts and sample other programs anywhere using Wifi)
*Recipes & customizable meal plan
*done from the comfort of your own home on YOUR time
*Goal setting, healthy habits & personal growth.
*A Chance to win cash prizes and a free t-shirt for completing the program
*Many of the most popular programs (and also on sale this month!) also come with color-coded meal planning containers that take the guesswork out of Meal Prep and a bonus Shaker Cup.

The Private, online Challenge Group provides:

*A week of Prep before the actual Challenge begins
*Tips, resources, recipes and daily activities (nothing difficult or time consuming)
*A place to share struggles & successes
*Trust & Friendship

Message me or fill out the forms below to sign-up!

Fill out my online form.
HTML Forms powered by Wufoo.

Wednesday 6 January 2016

Radiate Wellness on Facebook

If you'd like to jump on board and get a daily dose of positivity & health related posts, like this one Like my Facebook Page Radiate Wellness.  I share my journey, as well as tips, motivation, workouts and recipes several times throughout the day. 

It's hard to believe that it's been two months since I began this journey towards a healthier, happier, more fulfilling life. I feel so blessed that I came across the opportunity to not only take better care of myself, but to help others along the way. I have met some pretty incredible people and have learnt so much about myself. I am completely stoked about where this is going. What I do know for sure is that I feel better than ever, I make progress daily, & I absolutely love the support, accountability and team atmosphere that I always went without before (which I know is why I always struggled before).  

Before I decided to join a 21 Day Challenge Group and become a Beachbody Coach I was at low point in my life. I was unhealthy, dwelling in negativity and I had nothing that I was passionate about anymore. Life wasn't how it should be. I now feel hopeful (& healthful!) for the future both physically and mentally.  

It can be scary to open up your life to others.  When you share your shortcomings, struggles, frustrations and fears you risk rejection, but the benefits are well worth the risk.  Opening up relieves stress, diffuses your fears and it is the first step to freedom.

I used to be a people pleaser. I cared more about how I appeared to others than I actually cared for myself.  These days I care more about connecting and learning about others whereas before I was always too preoccupied being concerned with whether or not others approved of me.

Some people may look at my long-winded posts (like this one) and shake their head.  Maybe I take too many selfies, or talk too much about my kids, my health or maybe my positivity is just "too much" for some... But that's okay because I love my kids, I am learning to love myself, & I am grateful for my health and my new outlook on life. It took me a long time to become this person. This is who I am & I am not for everyone. And that's okay.

Does all of this sound a little bit too familiar? Are you craving change, but aren't sure where or how to start? Feel free to connect with me and I would be more than happy to help you figure it out! My Facebook Page is also a great way to stay updated on upcoming Challenges & Coaching opportunities. 

One of my favourite parts of this experience is the people I am meeting along the way. I'd love to hear your story! Click on the icons below to Connect with Me

(*Instagram @mandamariecook)