My Story

I began this journey for a lot of reasons.   I have always been into health and fitness.  There are points in my life where I was extremely healthy, but it never stuck.  Like most people I fall off the wagon and slowly ditch my healthy habits overtime.  I don’t believe in diets.  I believe in a healthy lifestyle that is all about balance.

As early as 11 years old (and maybe even sooner) I developed a very unhealthy relationship with food.  To keep things short, it eventually developed into a full blown eating disorder which landed me in the hospital at age 13.  It took me years to recover (longer than I would have admitted). Strangely enough I am thankful for what I went through.  It has made me who I am today.  I never openly talked about this before because most people would think it is something to be ashamed of.  I, however, believe that God gives us our hardships to share them with others.  To let other people find healing in our wounds.  We should not waste the things we have been through. I want to share my story in hopes of helping & inspiring someone else.
Fast forward to age 28. I noticed I was starting to get a lot of aches and pains.  I was uncomfortable in my own body. Here’s where people always tell me “Oh but you’re not overweight”.  It’s not about weight, it’s about how you FEEL.  I had a lower back and neck pain that never went away.  My arthritis pain in my hands had returned after being pain free for years (without medication), I had a hard time getting up every morning and it would sometimes take hours to fall asleep at night.  There were even a few instances where I had a throbbing numbness in my legs during the night. I could see it in my skin, cellulite in places I never had it before, I looked grey and lifeless, my hair and eyelashes even began to fall out. Living on processed, unhealthy foods and without any kind of physical activity,  was not only affecting me physically, but mentally.  I felt like my mind was groggy, I lacked ambition and motivation to do things I always used to enjoy.  I preach to my kids the importance of eating healthy, but I, myself, was not doing it. I want to be the best version of myself for my kids, I want to set a good example and be the person I want them to be.  I couldn’t do that if I wasn’t even willing to take care of myself.

I searched and searched for the right answer for me. How am I going to do this?  I don’t have access to a gym, and even if I did my son, Robey, is with me at all times.  I needed something that was flexible.  I remembered after the birth of my daughter I ordered “Turbo Jam” off an infomercial (this was 7 years ago  now) and lost my baby weight in a matter of weeks.  It worked and more importantly, I loved it. Through vigorous research I stumbled up my Mentor and founder of Dynasty United, Brittany.  She invited me to her Challenge Group and also taught me how I can run a Challenge Group of my own.   I am so thankful I have found something that not only is a passion of mine, but it aligns with my personality and the experiences I have been through.  I am so stoked for this adventure towards a healthier, positive life!

Below are the results of my first ever 21 Day Challenge Group! I lost 3 lbs and over 7 inches total! My cellulite reduced significantly, I have more energy, & the bloat that I had been carrying in my belly for over a year, that would not budge no matter what I tried is now completely GONE. I have mental clarity & feel more positive overall. I am stronger, happier & healthier. Joining in on the 21 Day Challenge Group & deciding to take a leap of faith & joining the Dynasty United Family has changed my life! God is good! :)

21 Day Challenge Results Back

21 Day Challenge Results Front

21 Day Challenge Results