Friday 8 January 2016


A little #flashbackfriday to when my baby girl was just ....a baby girl! 

7 Years ago right around the time this picture was taken I remember every night when I got up to feed Jaelee in the middle of the night I would sit and watch the "Turbo Jam" infomercial. After about a week I ended up ordering it from the TV. I remember every day I did my workouts and she sat in her little bouncy chair and would laugh & wiggle while I did the moves (I probably would have laughed too). She was such a good baby.

In a matter of weeks I lost all my baby weight and was back to my pre-pregnancy weight, but in better shape! Back then I don't think they offered Challenge Groups with the programs and I don't even think Shakeology existed but I still got great results. My whole world had just changed and so did my lifestyle, but I found what worked for me and went with it.

Every once and a while I log into BeachBody on Demand to take it back to my roots and rock out to Turbo Jam. It's pretty funny to still be able to remember the moves and it totally takes me down memory lane to when Jae was a baby.

It's so funny to think here I am over 7 yrs later going back to what worked for me then. Ultimately it's about finding what works for you and sticking to it. Even though I am 7 yrs older I am in even better shape than I was then because of the new & improved system with the added benefit of Shakeology & the support group.

Want to join me in my next group? The next group starts February 1st. Fill out the form below to reserve your spot. Only 5 spots available.

Fill out my online form.
Online contact and registration forms from Wufoo.

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