Wednesday 13 January 2016

The Importance of Personal Development

I remember when I didn't believe in Personal Development because I didn't believe in myself.  I thought "What is the point of reading ways to improve myself when I'll never have a reason to put it to use." Those thoughts couldn't be more self-condemning. 

A year ago I went through a "rough patch" and I was looking for something, anything, to pull me out of my rut. I began reading. I hadn't read since I was in school. The book was Become A Better You by Joel Olsteen.  This book was the starting point to my journey to a positive more fulfilling outlook. I felt hopeful again and continued reading for a few months, gaining a newer and brighter prospective for my future.

I eventually became busy with life and although I didn't forget what I had learnt, I didn't go back to where I was prior, but I didn't keep progressing. I stopped reading for while. My personal development was put on pause.

 Months later  when became a Beachbody Coach my Mentor instilled in me the importance of Personal Development. She taught me how important it is to keep learning, to keep growing and developing ourselves so we can be the best versions of ourselves; and she of course set an amazing example. 

I began reading again; everyday, sometimes, twice a day. My routine is to wake up, have my coffee and read my daily devotional and I am currently working through The Passion Translation,  Proverbs; Wisdom From Above.  The Bible is a great source of Personal Development. At night time I usually read another choice of PD Book.

Daily personal development has given me a sense direction. I know what I want to achieve in life, whereas before I didn't have a clue (and had no drive to even figure it out!).   I am so thankful for this nudge from God for me to continue on this path. It has become a part of my daily routine, and a part of my day I really enjoy. I feel motivated, focused and most importantly more self-aware. I feel as if I am greater prepared for when times do get tough or a challenge arises. Everyday I am developing new skills and attributes that help me deal with stress and overcome obstacles. 

 (My daughter says she loves to read "...just like mom.")
There are various avenues to go about it, my favorite is obviously to read. Read a book, watch a video, take a class. You choose. Take time and invest in yourself. You are your greatest resource. 

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