Sunday 3 January 2016

21 Day Fix Extreme Meal Prep

Tomorrow I will begin my 3rd Challenge. For my first two Challenges I used Piyo and didn't follow a meal plan. I drank my Shakeology every single day, worked out half an hour a day (with one day rest) ate natural, whole foods (for the most part) and tried to make sure I ate enough of each food group throughout the day.  I was very impressed with the results I got,  but since it's the the New Year I decided I wanted to commit to really pushing myself out of my comfort zone to get my best results yet.

(Above our the results of my first ever 21 Day Challenge Group using Piyo)

I completed a 3 Day Refresh to do some Holiday Clean-up just before New Years and will be starting the 21 Day Fix Extreme Program tomorrow!  I am excited and nervous all at the same time. This time I will be using the 21 Day Fix containers and following a customizable meal plan.  I am not looking to lose weight so I calculated my caloric needs based on maintenance, which put me in the 1500-1799 calorie range.This Challenge I would like to gain strength and work on muscle definition. 

I totally believe in prepping your meals when trying to follow a plan, especially if you are busy and on the go.  Not only does it save you time, but you are less likely to fall off the wagon.  I am currently a stay-at-home mom so cooking and preparing meals usually isn't an issue for me, I actually enjoy it.  I prefer not to cook my meals a head of time (unless I need to), but do like to do some prepping so all I need to do is grab and go or cook.  

Yesterday I picked a few last minute things and today I planned and measured out my meals for the first two days. I like routine, but I don't want to eat the same thing for a week straight. I am going to keep it pretty simple for the first week, so I don't get overwhelmed with following a new plan.  I don't usually eat huge meals, but rather more smaller, frequent meals throughout the day. For the first two days I will be eating 8 times throughout the day plus my 24 oz of filtered water and 24 oz of organic, caffeine-free herbal tea (I LOVE tea!).  Here is what my first two days will look like; pretty basic, nothing fancy: 

Coffee with 1 tsp coconut oil & 1 packet of Stevia= 1 tsp

  1. 2 free range  brown eggs= 1 red
  2. 1 large clementine= 1 purple
  3. pomegranate= 1 purple
  4. 2 pieces of  chia toast with 2 tsp of organic peanut butter= 2 yellow + 2 tsp
  5. Chocolate Vegan Shakeology + 8 oz unsweetened vanilla almond milk= 1 red (I count my almond milk tomorrow once I have used a whole serving)
  6. grilled chicken breast + sweet potato + mushrooms + 1 tsp coconut oil + garlic,herbs & spices = 1 red + 1 yellow + 1 green + 1 tsp
  7. organic broccoli slaw + grilled chicken breast + diced organic tomatoes + garlic,herbs & spices +  skim mozzarella cheese= 2 green + 1 red + 1 purple + 1 blue
  8. sliced cucumbers = 1 green 

      *(I did not use my 1 orange container)

These are my allotted containers for the 21 Day Fix Meal Plan. My last week I plan to alternate with the Countdown to Competition Meal plan to finish out strong.

The important thing to remember is one size does not fit all. We all have different schedules and routines.  You have to make it fit for your lifestyle or else you will constantly be finding yourself struggling to make it work.  Don't force yourself to eat foods you hate just to get a temporary result, because that's all it will be.  If you want lasting results it has to be something that works for YOU.  A diet will give you temporary results.  A healthy lifestyle will get you the results you want, plus you'll be able to keep them.

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