Thursday 21 January 2016

New Coach Mentorship

I am looking to E X P A N D my team; to build a Sisterhood of women who want more out of life; who are ready to commit & go ALL IN to get in the best shape of their lives and help others along their way.

I became a Coach 3 months ago because I felt like something was missing. I wanted something I was passionate about, something to call my own, something to get excited about!

I was at a point in my life where I felt...
▶unhealthy, physically & mentally
▶a loss of identity, passion & purpose
▶isolated & a longing for a sense of belonging; a community that accepted me for who I am- flaws, quirks & all.

I searched & searched for a solution until I stumbled upon Coaching. I went back & forth for a couple weeks (I am very thorough before I commit to ANYTHING), but something kept telling me to GO FOR IT. It just felt right. So I went ALL IN. I joined my first ever 21 Day Fitness Challenge & completed my 21 Day Coach Training at the same time. I fell in love instantly. I finally found something that felt like it was made for me.

I now have passion, purpose, positivity & goals! I belong to a community of AMAZING people; the Dynasty United FAMILY! ♡

Not only do I get to be inspired by incredible women transforming their lives and their health DAILY, but it also keeps me accountable for my own fitness.

ANYONE can be a Coach as long as you have...
✔A passion for helping others
✔A love for health & fitness 

✔self-motivation & a drive to succeed

I am looking for REAL women who want to get in shape, live healthy, FULL lives and share their story along the way in hopes of inspiring others. It's that simple.

Fill out the form or connect with me Via Facebook to apply.

Fill out my online form.
Online contact and registration forms from Wufoo.

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