Tuesday 9 February 2016

Want to become a Beachbody Coach? Check out the Coach Info Webinar!

My girl Brittany, will be hosting a Coach Info Webinar tomorrow night at 10pm AST.

If you've been looking for a way to make some extra income from home, start your journey to a healthy lifestyle & join an amazing community of women then you'll want to tune into this webinar!

Have you been wanting to join a 21 Day Fitness Challenge, but it just hasn't been in the budget? Find out how you can do BOTH!

No worries- it's completely anonymous, all you need to do is sit back and listen.

3 Months ago I listened in to a Coach Info Webinar and took a leap of faith & joined this amazing Family, Dynasty United. It has changed my life & I want to share this opportunity with other women who are in the same boat I was 3 months ago; completely unhealthy and totally unhappy.

There are absolutely ZERO prerequisites required. All you need is to have a desire to live healthy and help others. We are looking for REAL women, not cookie cutter, perfection.

Get all the info you need to decide if being an Online Coach would be a good fit for YOU!

Connect with me on Facebook to get the details!

1 comment:

  1. My friend mentioned to me your blog, so I thought I’d read it for myself. Very interesting insights, will be back for more!
    Online Fitness Coach
