Monday 21 December 2015

New Coach Mentorship

Looking to make some extra income & eventually replace your full-time income from home? Enjoy helping others and want to get in the best shape of your life?

I am looking for 2 people to mentor in the first Coach Training of 2016. I am part of a Top Ten Team in the network (Canada & the US!)  When you join us, you become a part of the Dynasty United Family. My mentor and founder of Dynasty United has taught me the ropes & we want to share all this info with you & give you the tools you need to be successful doing something you are passionate about.  

Not in perfect shape? Great! No one relates to perfection. You dont have to be an expert on nutrition, or even have any knowledge of how to run a business.  All you need is a drive to help others and to be coachable.  Only 2 spots available. Apply below!  

*Want some more information? Check out these related articles!

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