Sunday 13 December 2015

Want to become a Beachbody Coach? Coach Info Webinar!

Do you...
*dream of working from home?
*have a passion for health & fitness?
*want to design a life of freedom for you and your family?

Well, I have some awesome news for YOU!  My Mentor, friend & TOP TEN Coach, Brittany LeGette will be holding a Coach Info Webinar on Wednesday,December 16th @10pm (9pm, EST).

This is the woman who inspired me to become an Independent BeachBody Coach.  Don't worry, there's no pressure on you.  It's for you to sit back, relax and listen to a PRO give you the inside scoop of what being a Coach is all about to see if it's the right fit for you.  

Don't let the term "COACH" scare you. You don't need to be a fitness or health expert. All you need is that drive to live a happier, healthier life and share your story in hopes of inspiring others along the way! You are NOT required to be a salesperson or have any business experience whatsoever.  Would you consider yourself a salesperson for recommending your favorite Salon to someone? Nope!  You are simply sharing something you are passionate about.  You will receive all the support and tools you need. All you need is to be Coachable.

I would not reccomend something I did not whole-heartedly believe in.  Becoming a Beachbody Coach has changed my life in a matter of months & it would be selfish of me not to share this experience with you!  Not only am I building a future for me and my family I am growing each and everyday, I get to be surrounded by a FAMILY of up-lifting, supportive people who help me out every step of the way, and, not to mention I am getting in the best shape of my life. 

You might be saying, "But I am not in shape yet." You don't need to be!  Coaching is all about sharing your journey.  There is nothing more inspiring than watching someone every step of the way through their struggles and their triumphs. That is what this community is built on; support and encouragement.  

Don't think you have the time?  You can put as little or as much time as you want into this! One size doesn't fit all and there are options to fit every schedule.  You are your own Boss, you decide!  And of course you always have the option to start as one type of Coach & change to another.

If you're feeling those little tugs on your heart strings telling you this might be for you.  Do yourself the favor & tune into this Coach Info Webinar.  Don't miss out on the opportunity to do what you love. Contact me via Facebook to Sign-Up! 

"Do what you love & you will never work a day in your life."

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