Wednesday 10 February 2016

Join the Tribe Challenge!

How many of us have tried to get fit & healthy on our own just to give up before we get the results we want?
There's a reason for this. It's called accountability.
It is the glue that ties commitment to RESULTS.

See the women in the cover photo? We are a TRIBE.
We support, encourage motivate & inspire one another. We share our struggles, successes, flaws & triumphs.
We don't just get fit together. We create long-lasting friendships based on a common ground; to live happy, healthy lives!

We are looking to G R O W our Tribe.
If you've been thinking about joining a 21 Day Challenge Group- NOW is the time! This month we decided to collaborate to give you the best experience yet. (The support of 4 Coaches, a new spin & some prizes)

Not familiar with how a Challenge Group works?

What you get is....

A home workout program of your choice (based on your goals & fitness level)

30 Day Supply of Shakeology (Superfood Shake/Meal - flavor of your choice)

Customizable Meal Plan

Free 30 Day VIP Membership- tools, resources, recipes, Beachbody On Demand where you can stream your program online, plus sample some of the other programs.

The 21 Day, Private online accountability group & support of YOUR TRIBE.

Chance to win $$$$ by submitting your results.

Any 1:1 Coaching you may want/need outside of the Group

21 Day Fix is on sale AGAIN this month due to popular demand. This program also comes with color coded portion control containers that take the guesswork out of meal planning & a bonus shaker cup. There is also an Extreme option available for this program with tougher workouts and a second meal plan option for the same price.

If you'd like to up your game, get a jumpstart on weight loss, or would like to do a cleanse Pre-Challenge- ask me about the Kickstart Option.

《Behind every successful woman is a tribe of other successful women who have her back.》

We come together, share together, work together & succeed together; No woman left behind! ♡

Ready to join our Tribe? Leave a comment, send me a message or fill out the application here >>

Fill out my online form.
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