Wednesday 24 February 2016

Share your story...become a Beachbody Coach!

Behind every pair of eyes is a life full of untold stories. ♡

I have people tell me all the time.....
"I wish I had your outlook..."
"I could never do what you do..."
"I am not fit enough to be a Coach.."

What I have to say is...

When I became a Coach I was pessimistic, a closed book, and completely unhealthy and out of shape. I was struggling ALL OVER the place! BUT this was the PERFECT time to start my journey as a Coach because...

NO ONE relates to perfection & sharing your hardships can be the key the unlocks someone else's prison. When you share your story not only does it help to heal you, but it can heal someone else too; and there is no greater reward than that!

Don't let your struggle become your identity, but let it be the driving force behind who you BECOME.

For some reason we have learned to create these perfectionist facades to present to the world despite what's really going on with us. All this does is creates a barrier for REAL communication with each other. Let's just be who we really are.

I am inspired by the UNDERDOGS. People who have suffered, people who have been pushed to their limits, people who could have given up but didn't. Does this sound like you? I want to hear YOUR story. I want YOU on my team. Life is a beautiful struggle, so we might as well do it together.

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